Tuesday, August 28, 2012

San Diego Pagan Pride

September 8, 2012 Wyng'd Lyon Creations will be sharing the booth with Sinda Aran Glass at San Diego Pagan Pride. Also we will have some incredible art from Cindy over at Original Cin - You can visit Cindy's FB page by going here:https://www.facebook.com/originalcinart !

We'd love to see you out and about so grab a friend, family member, or a random stranger and come visit us at the San Diego Pagan Pride!

For more information on the San Diego Pagan Pride you can visit their site here - http://sdpaganpride.org/

Hope to see you out and about!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sometimes you really just need some help

I'll admit it, I'm horrible at asking for help, it's just one of my quirks. I love to help everyone I can, but I very very rarely ask for help.

We'll with my life as nuts as it has been between moving to a new (at least new to me) house, herding two kids, leasing a retail space for my studio and to actually do business out of, plus working full time, things have slipped through the cracks, like this blog.

So I finally made the decision to enlisted some help and without further adieu I'm happy to introduce my friend Tawmis, who is a fabulous guy, a damn good writer and lets me harass him on a regular basis plus he has some pretty fun blogs/webpages like Pirate Booty & Neverending Nights. This also means there should be more regular updates here and everywhere else. Yay!

But for now....I'm back to running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
