Friday, September 7, 2012

This is a bit overdue, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise before the whole project was complete. A friend of mine put together a book for a dear friend that passed away of photos of many of us holding a sign that said Happy Birthday Kevin.

Shots of us doing something that Kevin would have enjoyed doing or seeing.

My photo was inspired by all the support that I had seen Kevin give his friends and family over the years in their endeavors. I know had he been here, he'd be more than overjoyed to see me opening my store and would have been another pillar of support to the foundation of Wyng'd Lyon Creations. Now that the book has been delivered, I'm sharing that photo of me in front of my store, with my two wonderful kids. Thank you Kevin for inspiring me to take the step in growing my business. I miss you, but I know your watching over us all. And big love to Kevin's parents for raising such a wonderful man!

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